Brought to you by ULTL & rateHERO.

Edit: Last Updated on 4/8/2024

Most LTL accessorial services and fees correlate with space, time, or risk as the primary drivers of cost. Some of them have more than one of these variables represented. Space is more closely tied to the size/weight of the shipment while time and risk are connected to PU or DEL at non-commercial locations.

Ex: If you compare everything to a PU or DEL at an industrial location (as the benchmark) then any time you add additional requests or have the carrier come to a non-commercial location - it’s adding time (out of route), risk (full sized semi driving through a suburban neighborhood).

Most Used Accessorial Services:

For further reading, here’s a Link to ODFL’s Rules Tariff, which has 99.9% of them covered.

<aside> <img src="/icons/calendar-day_purple.svg" alt="/icons/calendar-day_purple.svg" width="40px" /> Appointment/Notify:


<aside> <img src="/icons/profile_purple.svg" alt="/icons/profile_purple.svg" width="40px" /> Whether for a PU or DEL at a large retail DC (distrobution center); or at a residence so that the owner can plan their day - sometimes you and your LTL carrier just need to agree on the time of engagement. This extra admin layer and optimization of their routes means some additional cost that will be added to the invoice in the form of an appointment or notify fee.


Variables Contained: TIME

<aside> <img src="/icons/ruler_purple.svg" alt="/icons/ruler_purple.svg" width="40px" /> Excessive Length:


<aside> <img src="/icons/profile_purple.svg" alt="/icons/profile_purple.svg" width="40px" /> This is one of the few accessorials mentioned here that is not tied directly to PU or DEL. It primarily impacts the line-haul portion of the LTL journey. It also impacts dock handling. The longer or more oversized the frieght is configured - the more space, time, and risk is involved with handling it from PU to DEL. Most LTL carriers have tiered fees here, based on the length of the longest dimension of the freight. SOME carriers do a per item excessive length fee, but MOST charge for it based on a per shipment fee.


Variables Contained: SPACE, TIME & RISK